August 2024 Newsletter

It Happened in August

Monthly Dadvice Update - Okay so, my aim has always been to answer the questions in the order they come in, and maybe group some together that are more or less the same question. This has been going well… until now. I realised a little too late that I have a whole block of 30-40+ panel episodes lined up. This is not something I can physically do on a weekly schedule, so I’m retooling it a bit. Worst comes to worst, I’ll have to do a filler week with just drawings but I’m hoping to avoid that. Wish me luck.

Apparently I’m a programmer now??? - If you’ve been following my newsletter, you may remember that I got back into coding this spring. I was sick of Squarespace and their increasing prices coupled with AI bloat and went old school. Well, turns out that wasn’t enough for me so I started looking into Content Management Systems and now I’m learning Drupal and how to install modules through terminal and I guess there’s some PHP and JavaScript classes in my near future. The website looks absolutely gorgeous and once I’ve tweaked a few things, I might actually be able to get back to my actual job and draw something.

Portrait of the Artist, struggling with their own ambition.

Plans for September

Dadvice - Sigh. Buffer. One day I’ll have one. I’m also nurturing a few related side projects that I’m too scared to talk about in public until they’re at least sort of happening. They are fun though.

Website - I am so desperately hoping to be done with at least a basic site very soon. All things considered I’ve gotten really far really fast, so here’s hoping I can finishing something up and spread my time a little more evenly.

The Rest - I have freelance projects coming up over fall and winter and basically a ton of other things I want to get going on, on top of cleaning out the house in preparation for a potential move AND getting my tolerance up for crowds/noise/vibrations. When I say I’m busy, I actually really mean it?? Also Baldur’s Gate table top is starting up again in two weeks. Whoof.

Tim Hutchings Newsletter Tax

Since I have less to report this month, I’m going to double down on the newsletter tax. Or rather, give you a two-for-one deal on perhaps less known but certainly worth listening to McElroy podcast products.

Wonderful! - Rachel and Griffin talk about their favourite things, and it’s very cute and the perfect listen if you’re looking to widen your cultural, gastronomical or just general horizons. This started as a Bachelor recap podcast, so you might want to skip ahead a bunch of episodes unless you want to hear about TV dating from 2015.

The Empty Bowl - Justin McElroy and Dan Goubert talk about cereal in a soothing tone, while waves crash in the background. As a European, I don’t have access to pretty much any of these cereals but this is still my go-to podcast when I need to calm the heck down. Meditative and crunchy.

That’s all for now! See you next month!


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